Submitted by: Mike Pow
Muscle, muscle, muscle.
It s what world-class physiques have, and what the “everyday” physiques covet. So many people yearn to know how to build muscle fast . With magazines, websites, and other media touting the to die for physique, it s hard not to get sucked in.
But when I look at some of the weight training magazines, I think that some of the guys I see are bigger than I d ever want to even think about being. Looking at the classic pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Serge Nubret, Franco Columbubo and some of the greats, I still admire their physiques! They were big, no doubt , but they still looked human to me. Comparing the pros of the past and present really makes me think that there is such a thing as TOO much muscle!
Different people have different ideas of how much muscle they want to pack onto their frames and that s completely okay . At the end of the day, YOU have to be comfortable with YOU . To find out how much muscle is too much , let s examine muscle building from five different perspectives: 1) The Everyday Person, 2) The Athelete, 3) The Pro, 4)The Significant Other, and 5)The Outsider .
The Regular Guy and Regular Gal probably don t browse the fitness magazine section that exists in most bookstores, at least not very closely . They eat an average diet, and maybe are just looking to shape up a bit. They are pretty content with the lives they have , and may have put on a few pounds for one reason or another. The female fitness model or mountain of muscle look may not be what they re striving for. Just slimming down a bit and toning up their existing muscle is fine for these ladies and gents .
**There are cases where people can and do change categories. Your body will change according to the lifestyle you lead and what you desire to do with your body.**
The athlete may have genetic talents that not everyone has … great reflexes , height, or even fast-twitch muscle fibers . They know exactly what their gifts are and they develop those . They re not necessarily trying to become as big as bodybuilders, but day in and day out they do workout routines to build lean muscle . Every muscle they build is functionally devoted to making them as effective as possible in their respective sports.
To the pro bodybuilder or aspiring bodybuilder the bigger the muscle the better. Well, I guess you could take this even further. The natural bodybuilder may want big muscles, but naturally, symmetrically . The non-natural pro is what I like to think of as the Malcolm X gainer…they go for muscles that are as big and symmetrical as possible by “Any means necessary.” (steroids, GH, etc.)
What does your wife or girlfriend think of your body? What does your beau think of your body ? How your significant other sees you may play a big role in your fitness goals . If your girlfriend or wife finds large muscles sexy, you may work even harder to turn her on . On the flip side , if a thin waistline and sexy, muscular legs turn your husband on, you may train to be more appealing to him .
What do you want people to say about you when they see you? Wow, you look really good ? or Jesus Christ, you re a beast! or Your body is so sexy ! Sometimes outer voices can inspire you to change your body. Deciding on how much is too much can sometimes be influenced by those around you .
Personally, I have no desire to look like an IFBB pro . I try to strive for the healthy, fit, male, underwear model look . Underwear models are great examples of buff, but not over the top buff .
How much muscle is too much muscle for you?
About the Author: Mike Pow is a fitness enthusiast who has been training for over ten years. Mike Pow currently resides in Japan and continues to study and learn about the
best way to build muscle
, how to maintain muscle, and reach optimum fitness levels. Train Smart. Grow Strong.
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