Know The Difference Between Kitchen Renovation And Redecorating by Jerry BlackburnThe very word “renovate” may send chills down many homeowners’ backs. Renovating any part of the house means a lot of time, lots of patience and a large wallet, too. Not to mention that if you have to hire a general contractor, then renovating any room in your house also means that you will have to live with strangers in and out of your home. A kitchen renovation is a big job and the best way to get it done correctly is to plan it out in careful and precise stages and steps. You need to know where you are headed with the project before you ever begin and you need to have ideas about how much you will end up spending on the project.Plan in advance before you start your project: The first step in planning your kitchen renovation is to plan. It is recommended that you take some time to pinpoint precisely what it is that you what to change and why. If you simply say that you want to change your kitchen, it could be a lot of things. Do you dislike your appliances? Do you need more storage space? Perhaps you just want to redecorate. If you live in a small house, it could mean all of the above. When you know exactly what you want to do, you will find that your project will go more smoothly.There is certainly a big difference in a kitchen renovation and redecorating, although you may end up doing both. However, when you need to renovate, which usually means big changes, such as redoing the floors, cabinets and maybe even moving a wall or two, then that comes first. Worry about the big tasks first and then consider the color of your new dishes.Part of planning your renovation will also involve deciding if or how much of the project you will complete by yourself. Some people love taking these large projects on by themselves. Other people cannot imagine ripping out cabinets and floors. One word of advice-if you need to hire a contractor, then talk to several before hiring one and be prepared to spend a lot more money than if you did it yourself. This person and his crew will be in your home for weeks, so make sure you hire someone that comes highly recommended by others.Have a little fun when you renovate: The next bit of advice that you can use when you renovate is to make sure you have fun with your project. You may only renovate your kitchen once, so have fun picking out the hardware, appliances and accessories. Take your time to shop around and find products that you love. Find things to put in your kitchen that you love and you will find that you will be much happier with your results.Kitchen renovations do take a lot of time and money, but with careful planning and a good solid idea of what you want, you can make sure that your kitchen renovation gives you the kitchen of your dreams.Jerry Blackburn usually edits online reports on themes related to faucets and kitchen sinks. On his site you might see his articles on new kitchen cabinets and kitchen sinks. Article Source: