Importance Of Using Good Keywords}

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Importance of Using Good Keywords


Christopher KirkKeywords are the foundation to search engine ranking. They are where it all starts. It is what the search engines look for to know what your website is all about. With all the different formulas that exist to get ranked, it all boils down to the keywords for your web page/website. It is keywords that people use search for what they want on the Internet. The number one thing you can do to improve your search engine ranking is to improve your keyword use and selection on your website.So how do you finding the right keywords? Selecting your keywords should be of the highest importance. Remember what we said earlier, keywords are what search engines look for. Here are some factors to consider when selecting the right keywords for you:1.What is your business? This seems kind of obvious. Do not select keywords that to not fit what you do or who you are as a business. Make sure the keywords are appropriate to your services and products or risk spamming the search engines and being penalized for it.2.Who are your primary clients? How do they see your business and how would they try to find you?3.Find variations and synonyms to your keywords. The same keywords will never be used 100% to find you. Searchers will use a variety to find services and products like yours.4.Place priority to keywords that have alphabetical priority. Search engines still employ an alphabetical listing with common search terms.5.Be as specific as possible. General search terms are used by thousands of sites and will make it hard to rank well. Use keywords that are not popular but still receive a fair amount of attention from searchers. After you have established your web presence, readjust your keywords to a more general term.What is the proper placement of keywords? They should be in places where both search engines and visitors will see them. Most often we forget to put them in places where visitors will not see them, but the search engines will. Place your keywords:1.In the Title tag of your page. This puts keywords on the top bar of the web browser just above the menu bar. Not only that, it is one of the first things in the html code that the search engines will see.2.In the Meta description tag. Visitors will not see this directly on your page, but they will see it in the search engine results. Write your web page description filled with your keywords. This also is very high to the top in the html code.3.In the Meta keywords tag. This is an obvious one, because that is what it is there for. But many authors of web pages forget to even use this.4.In the main content of the web page. Here is another real obvious one. But again, we miss an opportunity when the keyword density is not at least 3% of the main content.5.In the ALT tags. These are descriptor tags for images and other non-text elements on your page. These are other places your visitors do not see the keywords, but the search engines look for them. Realize this: search engines cannot determine the content of an image or audio clip or video clip. Why not help them out by telling them what it is and use your keywords while you are doing it. 6.In comment tags. Any web page creator who is worth the money for his services will place comments in the html code created by them. Here again, visitors do not see these, but the search engines see them all the time, if they are present. Why not use the opportunity to place keywords there?7.In the URL. If you can find a for your site that has your primary keyword in it, then you have found a great and wonderful asset. When creating new sites, keep this in mind. Assuming you have done your keyword research, find a URL that contains the primary keyword in it.If you are serious about succeeding on the internet with your website, do not overlook the importance of keywords. Do the necessary research to find those keywords that will bring traffic to your site and eventually profit. Then place those keywords on your site where they will be most effective. If you are interested in being successful in getting quality keywords, go to to find out about a tool that can help you with it.

Christopher & Heather Kirk are the owners of Branded For Success, Inc. They brand small business and entrepreneurs so that they can be successful in their markets against larger corporations.

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