Products Seniors Need

Products Seniors need


Reliable Homecare

Auby Bloomfield has combined two growing trends into a high demand service for seniors. On the one hand, there is our increasing interest in the environment and more desire to reduce, reuse and recycle. At the same time, there is more of a demand for products to help our aging population as the parents of baby boomers and even the boomers themselves get older.

Auby’s answer is a homecare product store that focuses on nearly new in addition to new mobility equipment, particularly wheelchairs, geriatric chairs, electric lift recliners and four-wheel walkers.


“Nobody else in Winnipeg specializes in marketing this type of nearly new equipment,” he says. “We started this concept about two years ago and there has been a growing demand for it.”

Reliable Homecare Product Store

recently relocated to 666 St. James Street across from (Sears Polo Park).

“These are products that families no longer require and may not know what to do with them” Auby says. “We can assist them and then make sure the equipment gets used again by someone who really needs it.”

New geriatric chairs sell for $2500 to $4000, he says. Depending on what is available at any given time, customers can save half or more at his store.

“We sell top quality equipment at a price that more people can afford,” Auby says. Not everyone has the means or insurance to cover these products, and unfortunately there are no government programs in Manitoba for families who need to purchase this equipment, he explains, so the nearly new service is a real help for them. Reliable also resells the products, depending on condition, when they are no longer required.

We are getting a lot of calls from people interested in purchasing as well as selling,” he says. “We think of ourselves as a broker, connecting buyers and sellers. We take products on consignment which gives them the best return, he says, and, depending on current inventories, some pieces of equipment sell more quickly than others. “We recently had a scooter brought in and we had resold it before we could even place a tag on it,” he says.

As more families become aware of the service, more are contacting him. They are also in touch with a growing number of long-term care and retirement homes. One measure of the growing demand for the service is that fact that Auby says they have sold some pieces of equipment three or four times.

Reliable Homecare Product Store

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