Energy Saving Ideas To Lower Your Electricity Bill

Submitted by: David Porterfield

All people from every walk of life receive electricity bills every month. As the cost of electricity continues to soar high due to increase in demand, consumers will definitely find alternative ideas on how to lower your electricity bill.

Specifically, during the peak months of summer everyone is experiencing a remarkable increase of electricity bill as everyone turns on the air conditioner in order to fight heat. In addition, always consider the appliances and gadgets people use. All of these require and consumes electricity.

Learning some of the simple energy saving ideas to lower your electricity bill is the simplest task you could ever do in your home. With these energy saving ideas to help lower your electricity bill, you are definitely going to save money.

Ideas to lower electricity bill

1. Be sure to keep all the appliances unplugged from electric sockets when not in use.


2. Unplug the desktop computer. Turning off your computer when not in use will not affect its performance.

3. Unplug all chargers such as cell phone chargers, laptop charger and GPS chargers, when not in use. These always use electricity even if the unit itself is not connected to the charger.

4. Do not use halogen and incandescent bulbs. Instead use a compact fluorescent bulb in every lighting fixture. Fluorescent lights last 10 times longer than that of the incandescent bulbs.

5. Try to consider the use of natural light during the day time. Allow light to pass by opening your blinds and shutters. This is a very helpful way to save money because it decreases the use of energy by helping to lower your monthly electricity bill.

6. Always clean the back part and lower part of the refrigerator as well as the coils. Too much accumulated dust and dirt causes the compressor to work double time thus increasing energy consumption.

7. Use ceiling fans and electric fans during summer to lessen the use of air conditioning units.

8. Do the wash with cold water. With this, you lower your electricity bill because there is less energy use when no hot water is needed.

9. Learn to dry your clothes with air. With just a little amount of space you can hang your washed clothes and let them dry with air.

10. Replace all air filters regularly, especially when there is a noticeable amount of dirt. Dirty air filters restrict air flow thus making it run longer and use of more energy.

11. Fully load the dishwasher when using it and then use the energy saving or short cycle to help you lower your electricity bill. On the other hand, when you don’t have that many dishes to wash, just let them air dry and save energy.

By ways and means, consider the use of the ever efficient solar power energy. Using solar panels as the source of your energy will definitely lower your electricity bill. The startup cost when installing might be high, but in the long run you will experience a decrease in electric bills. And over time you can enjoy the incentives of using solar power energy as what government is offering nowadays.

Although you may be hesitant about the energy saving ideas stated above they will have a great impact in lowering your electricity bill. Implementing all of the ideas will give you a significant change in your electric bill. Remember that there is no harm in trying the simple ideas given above. Trimming away the excess energy usage will allow you to experience a dramatic decrease in your electricity bill every month!

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