Lose Weight And Make Your Metabolism Work For You

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Submitted by: Luis Mejia

Weight gain is the product of not paying attention to what you put in your body, how often you do

it and when. It s a bad habit to get into, even if you ve never struggled with your weight. Bad eating

habit s don t always just promote weight gain. They also produce long term health problems, such as;

high blood pressure, high cholesterol, constipation, fatty liver, heart disease and more.

95 percent of diets are doom to fail. Sure, may be feeling great because you ve lost a few pounds on one

of those Internet FAD diets you tried, well, good for you. It s always good to celebrate your successes. But

I guarantee you this. If you stop following that diet, and go back to your old eating habits, very soon you ll

find yourself on the wrong side of that diet failure statistic.


When you crash diet, you put your metabolism on a roller coaster ride. Instead of speeding up

and giving your body more energy, the lower calorie intake that normally goes with a crash diet puts

your body in famine mode. Your body will hold onto whatever energy it has. That energy is stored in

fat cells. That s why it takes more calories to lose weight than gain weight. Your body doesn t want to

let go of what it knows it needs to survive.

If you want to succeed in your diet, you have to stop thinking of FAD diets as the answer to you

problem. You need to think long term, healthy eating that will help promote a healthy metabolism,

not send it into shock. You also have to look at your lifestyle and learn how to incorporate fat burning

exercises into your daily life so you not only lose weight, but you maintain that weight loss for life.

The trick is to balance the amount of food you eat with whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits,

along with lean meats. It is true that there are no bad foods if you eat them in moderation and balance them with

healthy foods. No one wants to feel deprived of having their favorite dessert or a fast food burge

every so often. However, if you have that fast food burger every day of the week or eat that piece of

triple chocolate cake before you go to bed every evening without giving a thought to how your body

will react to it, you ve established a bad eating habit. . Choosing those foods will give you the most bang

for the buck. We ll talk about those foods more in a later.

So don t give up, just keep working at it keep educating yourself, if you need more info feel free to check me out

down below for full details for a full break down from what types of food to eat to what not to eat., It is also a good

idea to have a clear schedule of meals and to avoid missing any meals. Starving yourself just makes it worst.

I wish you best luck and hope you find this helpful.

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